In managing allergies, practitioners of Shiatsu believe that addressing the causes of allergies, treating the whole person, and focusing on balancing the immune system lead to substantial long-term health benefits. Shiatsu stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, which in term promotes immune function changes. In an allergic reaction, the body's immune system becomes hypersensitive and reacts to otherwise benign substances. Shiatsu can be effective in relieving the symptoms of a number of allergic conditions, and regular treatment can dramatically reduce the frequency of allergic reactions.
Self Care Techniques:
Allergic reactions can be better understood by examining one's whole environment. This is accomplished through evaluating digestive health, stress levels, and your home, work and school environments. Assessing personal hygiene products and lifestyle habits such as smoking is also essential.
Your body is a unique entity, thus your treatment should be tailored specifically to your needs. You should always seek the advice of your health care practitioner to guide you along the path of optimal wellness.
Allergy treatment begins at home.
Since a large percentage of time is spent in the bedroom, these allergy proofing tips can help:
Use washable cotton or synthetic blankets and window shades.
Use dust-proof casings for bedding, and avoid all feather bedding.
Maintain a clean environment by dusting and vacuuming regularly

Allergic sensitivities are considered significant health concerns, and are becoming increasingly widespread. Common environmental allergens include dust mites, mold, pollen, and animal substances. Many people also suffer from food allergies. Common food allergens include milk, eggs, wheat, nuts and shellfish.