Massage Classes for Parents and Children

Kaizen Healing Arts Offers Private and Semi-Private Massage Classes for Parents/Guardians and Children
Connecting with your child through healing touch can be therapeutic and fun for both parents/guardians and their children. When our children are babies, we naturally comfort and heal them through touch. As some children age they demand less from us physically and tend to withdraw when distraught. Other children continue to seek physical contact as they grow, but as parents we may no longer have the confidence or make the time and space to nurture them in this way.
Kelly offers private and semi-private massage therapy classes for parents/guardians and their children to guide you in connecting with and healing your child, both physically and emotionally. Simple, effective methods will be taught that can be practiced at home without any special equipment. Gain skills and confidence in exploring ways to address your child's needs while maintaining comfort and ease in your own body.