
This image hangs on the wall in the beautiful Kaizen Healing Arts office, which I share with Tatianah Thunberg of Spirit Moves. We offer Thai massage, Shiatsu, psychotherapy, workshops, classes, and retreats.

Living in harmony with nature is an essential part of maintaining health and well being. At Kaizen Healing Arts, I offer Thai massage and Shiatsu as a means of re-establishing balance in the body, mind, and spirit.

Living in harmony with nature is an essential part of maintaining health and well being. At Kaizen Healing Arts, I offer Thai massage and Shiatsu as a means of re-establishing balance in the body, mind, and spirit.

This image hangs on the wall in the beautiful Kaizen Healing Arts office, which I share with Tatianah Thunberg of Spirit Moves. We offer Thai massage, Shiatsu, psychotherapy, workshops, classes, and retreats.
Kaizen Healing Arts is dedicated to the service of humanity by aspiring to bring vibrant health, awareness, and balance to the community.
Through the practice of Asian based bodywork, blending Thai massage and Shiatsu, I encourage others to strengthen their health, seek balance with mindfulness, and enhance vitality. My aim is to foster positive transformations in the body, mind, spirit, community and beyond.
A Holistic Model
Kaizen is a Japanese philosophy that embraces continuous improvement in every aspect of one's life. In combining the Japanese characters Kai (change) and Zen
(to become good), Kaizen encourages small, incremental changes made on a daily basis that result in enduring growth. Given that various elements of one's life are interconnected, improvement in one area can have resounding effects on the whole.
In implementing Kaizen, one focuses mindfully on developing these individual elements and progresses towards a healthier, more fully integrated, aware and balanced self.

Harmonious Living
As each of us radiates our physical and emotional health, our well being can impact that of individuals around us. We maneuver through our lives engaging in a constant exchange with our environment. Hence, there is an interplay of dynamics between the individual and the community. Just as improvement in each element of the body leads to a more vibrant, healthy individual, the community as a whole benefits from the improved wellness of its members.
I offer Kaizen Healing Arts as a means to enhance physical, emotional and spiritual balance for the individual and the community.
A Focus on Wellness
Kaizen Healing Arts aspires to bring about vibrant health, awareness and balance to the community. My primary focus is inspiring harmony in the body through mat-based bodywork synthesizing Thai massage and Shiatsu. When the body, mind, and spirit are harmonized, health maintenance and disease prevention are easily realized.
Through an intricate web of physiological processes, your body is constantly working to remain balanced. Environmental toxins, nutrient deficient meals, and a hectic lifestyle can hinder your body from functioning at an optimal level. Supporting your body's own processes through receiving Thai massage and Shiatsu better equips you to negotiate the subtle balance between a diseased and a healthy state.
A lasting state of health results from an ongoing commitment to awareness and balance. In keeping with the Kaizen philosophy, I believe the absence of disease presents the opportunity to further enhance health and vitality. I endeavor to educate, inspire and empower you in making lifestyle choices that support the expansion of your health along your unique path to well being.