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  • Writer's pictureKelly Kempter

Great Solstice Conjunction of 2020

December 21st is the solstice, the turning point in our solar circumnavigation where daylight hours begin to lengthen again, bringing hope for the future. This year holds a unique cosmic event in that Jupiter and Saturn will form a conjunction, appearing as a single entity in the nighttime sky. Conjunctions happen when two celestial objects appear to pass close to one another as seen from Earth. The last time Jupiter and Saturn appeared this close together in the nighttime sky was some 800 years ago in 1226. The solstice is a time for celebrating the light while honoring the darkness. One cannot exist without the other in this world of ever changing duality. Can we find time to reflect on this past year, a year of great loss and struggle, feel into what's there, holding it and being with what's present in our bodymind? May we connect with and honor the grief that is beneath so much of our distractions and angst. Only through being with and accepting the darkness does the light fully shine. Only on the darkest night, away from manmade lights, can we truly see and connect with the light of the cosmos. Astrologers are holding the Great Conjunction as an auspicious time of rebirth and renewal, opening expansive possibilities for communication, collectivism and community. My hope is that together we can turn to greater truths, ones that include darkness and light, to mend this heartbroken world. The sun will shine again; may the light in our hearts join with the light in all beings and spark peace. This beautiful New York Times article explains how humans have coped with and built resilience out of dark, cold winters through the ages.

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